Creating Recommendations
In this section, you will discover the elements that empower you to efficiently create and update your recommendations: crafting contextualized situations, with catchphrases and compelling selling points for each product, as well as designing interactive question-answer flows.
Search Page
The Search page allows you to manage existing contents, and to create new ones.
You can access easily to ressources thank to search bar, or using various filters (type, product, status, sort by last update, sort by alphabetical).
![Recommendation Overview](../_images/admin/search_page.png)
You can also create new ones by clicking on "+" buttons.
Note: After setting the content, you have to publish it to be effective in production, otherwise, you work in draft mode (unpublished content).
1. Create the life event
The life events allows the advisor to give better advice to the customer regarding his real needs of the moment.
A life event has to be precise to fit the customer profile
A life event has to highlight personalized information about the customer to the advisor
A life event allows the advisor to identify a customer need
A life event has :
an explicit label for the advisors (mandatory)
a link to one or several products of the scope
a priority ( minimum, low, medium [default], high, maximum )
a target user (beginner / expert/ all users[default])
a target expression. By default, the expression is set to "true". You can modify it, using segments
A life event can have (optional) :
a dynamic label How to create dynamic content ?
URL links of the product and the image for the banners
A life event is displayed according to the customer profile, for example :
life event : Injury claim not covered without responsible third party
Customer profile : Customer has no Life Accident Insurance AND had an uncovered claim in the past AND the uncovered claim’s circumstance was without third party
2. Associate products
From now on, when you linked the life event to one or several products, product icons appear to let you personnalize them. You just have to click on it to put a label or URL.
If a life event needs to be used for more than one product, a specific label should be defined for each product.
Once done, you click on "+" icon to add :
3. Add a selling point
A selling point (argument in French) is a piece of information to help the advisor create or transform quotes.
A selling point has to be linked to a contextual information
A selling point has to be short and easily readable for the advisor
The more precise a selling point is, the more it will fit the customer profile
A selling point can be different depending on the advisor’s expertise profile (beginner / expert)
Zelros Advisor App learns what selling point are the most useful from advisors use of them. Zelros Advisor App will propose more relevant selling points to the customer’s profile as the number of arguments increases.
A selling point has :
an explicit label for the advisors
a static illustration (mandatory)
a target expression. By default, the expression is set to "true". You can modify it, using segments
manual priority (minimum to maximum)
different rights depending on the advisor’s expertise profile (beginner / expert /all users [default])
A selling point can have (optional):
a dynamic label
a dynamic illustration How to create dynamic content?
a limitation to warn the advisor (eg : XX€ deductible)
You can add as many selling points you want by clicking on "+" button.
Reuse : Use an existing selling point - if you put some changes, these ones would occur on all recommendations concerned by this selling point
Duplicate : Create a copy of an existing selling point
4. Add a Question
Zelros Adivsor App allows to add questions to help the advisor refine the customer’s need.
A question has to be short and easily readable for the advisor
A question has short answers (like Yes / No)
An answer to a question can trigger content (contextual information / question / selling point)
A question can feed a dynamic content, and in the same way, a dynamic content can feed a question
A question has also a type, that defines the type of the expected answers
Binary : "yes" or "no" answers
Free form : Free text
Date : pick a date on a calendar
Single choice : choose one answer among several
Multiple choice : choose one or more answers among several
different rights depending on the advisor’s expertise profile (beginner / expert /all users [default])
a position, by default the numero is set up at 0. Its help you to build a question tree
a target expression. By default, the expression is set to "true". You can modify it, using segments
A question can have (optional) :
a dynamic label How to create dynamic content?
a description to display additional content
You can link your questions with Insurance Data Catalog to create unique dynamic and augmented questions
You can enhance your questions by integrating them with the Insurance Data Catalog, allowing you to: * create enriched questions (potential responses generated from API requests) * trigger API requests based on responses
You can create a warning that will be display to the advisor when a special situation occur.
For example, the data about the customer is inconsistent, or there is a risk of churn. In that example, knowing that, the advisor will be more critical toward the recommendation.
Creation rules
A warning has :
Name of the alert
The expression of the target
The message that will be displayed to the advisor (This message can be static or dynamic)
A warning type
Statical Data
Data Consistency
Missing data
The product concerned by this Warning (for that, watch the product catalog)
For each type of warning, a different icon is displayed on the advisor app.