Product Catalog

Product Catalog

Configure Product

The product catalog allows you to configure the list of products available in our recommendation engine. You can create, customize, and enable/disable them here.

You can enable recommendations for a product only for a specific group of users.

Product Catalog

You can define a specific target audience for recommendations for a given product.


Coverages & Formulas

The "Coverage & Formulas" tab serves the purpose of managing and configuring different types of coverages and formulas for products or services. This allows for the creation of upsell recommendations by tailoring the selection of available options to better suit the needs of customers.

Configuring the "Coverage & Formulas" tab enables a higher level of personalization for the content automatically generated by the Zelros smart content generator based on Generative AI.

Coverages & Formulas
💫 Accelerate the creation of "Coverages & Formulas" catalogs by using Generative AI. With the "import" button, you can directly download our product’s IPID.